Action Plan



  • Raised awareness amongst staff, student, and the governing body

  • Created space to discuss LGBT safely

  • Increased profile of LGBT in the curriculum

  • Improved teaching skills and practice and given tutors a renewed confidence to embed E&D including the less popular protected characteristics

  • LGBT themes and lives embedded into cross college activities and equality objectives and action plan

  • Particular learner increased their capacity and skills to be an LBGT activist in the UK

  • Improved Morley’s reputation amongst existing and new partners and students that we are a diverse and safe place to learn

  • Developed a new model for engaging and innovating E&D content and resources into teaching and learning practice at Morley, which is sustainable

  • Has helped to broaden the E&D discussion and agenda at the college; a common misconception is to focus on Racedefinition and Disabilitydefinition


Student quote –

“this has made me feel comfortable about being who I am and safe”


Data collection of lgbt and religion and belief for 15/16

Resources available to teaching staff – development of E&D section for tutors on the college intranet

Programme consultation and training for staff (front line module) re collection of data (lgbt)

Further work on appropriate forums for students and staff

Further guidance re the sourcing E&D teaching resources through the new NIACEdefinition portal


What next

A strong tradition of Equalitydefinition and Diversity exists at Morley and is supported by the senior management.  However LGBT as a strand has not until now been seen as a priority. There are numerous reasons for this, possible the cosmopolitan adult nature of the college “We’re fine! No one is discriminated against here”.  LGBT being perceived as challenging or divisive in a multicultural setting. The project has been a catalyst to focus and reinvigorate the E&D agenda at the college, broadening the level of discourse, enabling us to have the confidence and skills to explore themes that until now have been neglected.

An action plan has been produced arising from the finding of the project; this will be incorporated into the E&D objective and development plan.



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