Look left for TETT

Catina's picture

Image of The Equalities Tagging Tool advertisement that went up on the equalitiestoolkit home page on 14/11/14

Next time you are on the equalitiestoolkit home page look left. You'll see an advert- link for The Equalities Tagging Tool (TETT) Open Source Code/plugin t-so that you can use it on your website.

A massive thank you and well done to everyone who completed the RRCrowd survey or joined the crowd of resources reviewers ealier in the year - this is what we created between us. Pretty impressive. 

We are using GitHub to make the TETT Open Source code/plugin available to the sector. And just to show that we are up there with the movers and shakers - Microsoft have announced use of GitHub for their new open sourced code because the majority of the .NET community is on GitHub. See: http://bit.ly/NETCORE

Just want to use TETT to find and share resources? Simply head for the Equalities Toolkit Curated Collectionhttp://resources.equalitiestoolkit.com