Glossary beginning with R

Racesearch for term
Refers to the protected characteristic of race. It refers to a group of people defined by their race, colour, nationality (including citizenship) ethnic or national origins. Source: EHRCdefinition glossary of terms,
Racismsearch for term
Stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination against individuals or groups because of their race. This also includes caste discrimination.
RCPsychsearch for term
Royal College of Psychiatrists
Recoverysearch for term
The term ‘recovery’ when used in relation to physical illness has come to mean that the person has ‘got over’ their illness and is now free of symptoms (e.g. we talk about people ‘recovering’ from an accident, operation or infection). Although most people who experience mental health difficulties do get well again, it was not until relatively recently that we have tended to speak about ‘recovery’ from mental illness and the meaning is somewhat different. Recoverydefinition in mental health is highly personal to an individual and is not necessarily about being free of the symptoms of illness but about the person ‘getting a life’ in which they have personal control over their life and have a good quality of life (DWPdefinition, 2009a). It is now widely recognised that early identification and intervention improves people’s recovery from mental health difficulties and that learning and employment can contribute to and be supportive of people’s personal recovery. Recovery-focused practice promotes people’s well-being and the recovery of meaningful, satisfying lives in which they are able to participate in their families, communities and if they want to do so in the labour market.
Religion or beliefsearch for term
Religion has the meaning usually given to it but belief includes religious and philosophical beliefs including lack of belief (e.g. atheism). Generally, a belief should affect your life choices or the way you live for it to be included in the definition. Source: EHRCdefinition glossary of terms,
Resiliencesearch for term
The capacity to adapt and recover from adverse circumstances and events (DWPdefinition, 2009a), which is in turn protective of an individual’s mental and emotional well-being. As with other skills people can learn how to build their resilience to problems they may face. Dame Carol Black highlighted the importance of helping children and young people (as the future workforce) to develop resilience skills (DWP, 2009b). Some schools are building resilience skills into their curriculum and some mental health programmes such as the Targeted Mental Health in Schools Programme (TaMHSdefinition) include intent to support potentially vulnerable children and young people to develop resilience skills. For adults who have experience of mental health difficulties their recovery journey is in many ways a journey in which they develop resilience, as they gain a sense of hope for future possibilities, develop self-esteem and confidence and test out self-management strategies that equip them to face and manage situations, overcome barriers and handle knock-backs when they occur without triggering them becoming unwell.
Retirement agesearch for term
The age at which an employee retires. This may be the national default retirement age, if there is one, or an age which is set in the contract of employment but which must be capabale of being objectively justified. Source: EHRCdefinition glossary of terms,
RUBLEsearch for term
The acronym by which the Really Useful Book of Learning and Earning is commonly referred to. It has been published by NIACEdefinition from 2007 to 2010. RUBLEdefinition is an A5 spiral bound booklet which includes a diary. Its focus changed slightly in different editions, including editions to support people who were unemployed, people experiencing mental health difficulties who wish to return to or take up work, volunteering or learning and apprentices. In 2011 a version for young adult carers was published.